Monday, September 20, 2010

"Magnolia Seeds"

Magnolia Seeds
Walked today on an old road that was once the site of a Revolutionary War Battle.  In a few weeks it is going to be amazingly lovely with the leaves all changing color.  The smell in the air was delicious and the dogs certainly stopped many times to sniff.  I love the magnolia trees when they are in full bloom, but this is the first I have ever seen the red seeds!  This one was way up in the tree and I had no tripod and zoomed in quite tightly and HELD my breath.  Got this one on the third try - not bad for mid day and bright sun.  I cropped it just ever so slightly on the left side. Check out the other awesome closeups at Macro Monday.

1 comment:

Maaike said...

what a special flower
never seen it but it looks great